Our Automation Services

We are experts at custom automation with decades of experience. We design, build and integrate systems to deliver the most suitable solutions. We offer Mobile/Finance application automation, Finance Transaction Automation and Future issue predictions.

Our Automation Services

✔ Dialog Genie automation.

✔ Dialog eZ Cash automation.

✔ Dialog Star Point automation.

✔ Dialog Single Sign on web portal automation.

✔ SMS application automation.

✔ Use AI to predict future system issues and warn.

✔ Transaction monitoring system.

We Are Trusted By

Hundreds of customers ranging from Tech Startups to Federal agencies around the globe trust us with their business requirements. Following are a few of our notable clients who had put faith in our developments.

Contact US

Our Address

SL: Monash Residencies,No. 185/1,Galwala Road,Mirihana.

EU: Akadeemia Tee 38 - 94,Tallinn 12611,Estonia.

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Call Us

SL: +94 11 77 25 662
EU: +37 2563 82345

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